Hiploose is proud to announce that shopping with us, you have options! Not just in the millions of different customization options but also for how you pay too. Now with the Quadpay option, you essentially can purchase now and pay later. Quadpay offers instant approval and there’s no hidden fees (e.g. no APR…just transparent pricing). Be sure to click the Quadpay option during the checkout process to see what exciting payment options are available to you.
Hiploose fully supports the Black Lives Matter movement. In fact, we are partnering with our customers to turn your savings into support. This means when you shop on Hiploose.com and use either discount code BLM5, BLM10 or BLM15 for 5%, 10% or 15% off respectively, Hiploose will match those savings and the total funds will be reinvested into organizations supporting justice and equity. This partnership will run throughout the remainder of 2020 and be re-evaluated for renewal in 2021. We extend our deepest condolences to all the families who have…
Leave a commentHiploose Custom Clothier’s COVID-19 ResponseThe COVID-19 pandemic continues to deliver a devastating blow to families and businesses all across the world. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been severely impacted. And like many others, we look forward to the day everyone can return to some form of normalcy albeit whatever that is it will most likely be a new norm for us all. It is our aim to continue to be a source of support…
Find below a few styles that caught our eye this week. These were created by our partners and customers, using our 3D Designing Tool. Remember that you too have access to your own private label Get-Inspired gallery, with hundreds of pre-designed styles for inspiration purposes. With more than 60 billion different shoe styles, materials, colors and soles units combinations, our Made-to-Order 3D Shoe Designing Platform is a very powerful tool for creative designers.
Modern yet universal, houndstooth is a staple print that never loses its luster. The black and white abstract checkerboard pattern with a vague resemblance to a chicken-foot print —known in French as the pied de poule and in English as houndstooth— first appeared in the 1800s in the Scottish lowlands. Then, it was called Shepherd’s check or Dogtooth, and was mostly used on woven wool cloth outerwear for sheepherders. Even though the pattern was around for more than a century, the popularity of the print did…
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